Join us as Melanie takes us through the Psalms we will be reading as part of our year long journey through the Psalms. Join in the conversation throughout the week right here on this page.
New year, new goals, and a new you. The new year is always filled with expectation and anticipation, but how do we focus our goals and vision towards Jesus. In this message, we explore how 2022 can be your best year if it’s your best year in Jesus.
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. As we reach 2022, let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our fourth Online Prayer Walk all day today! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
Join us as we look back at the miracle of Christmas on this traditional day to observe the arrival of the Wise Men. As we prepare for what God has in store for us in 2022, this will be a wonderful way to do so together!
Do our lives really matter? Does anything we do really matter? Because of Christmas, we have answers to these questions.
This year, we are reading through the Psalms and we want to invite you to take part! Melanie, Jim, Jason and Pastor Tim will chat together tonight about what this year on “This Week at Little Hills” will be like and how you can share in the experience of this reading adventure throughout the week!
Starting over may seem daunting, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end. Starting over sometimes means a fresh start and a new beginning.
So Christmas is over, right? Not so fast! Traditionally the Church celebrated the joy of Jesus’s birth in the days after Christmas and after a hard couple of years, there are some very good reasons from God’s Word to pick that tradition up.
How long does Christmas joy last for you? Sometimes after Christmas, everything goes back to normal. Back to life’s troubles, disappointments, and dark times. In this message, we dive into how we can find the light of hope even when the darkness begins to creep in.
Join us as Pastor Tim gives us turns to the book of Deuteronomy for the 52nd week of 52 Verses, 52 Books, 52 Weeks. We’ll think about Christmas, waiting and how this all fits into what’s going on in our new 12 Days of Christmas adventure.