Little Hills will be streaming a special Maundy Thursday/Good Friday journey through the Gospels’ account of the night Jesus was betrayed and the crucifixion. Please share this time with us, as we reflect on the wondrous love of our Savior.
As we wrap up our series tonight, we look at two faithful colleagues of Paul and how their lives point us to what God calls us to show in our own as part of the Church.
Join Melanie as we turn to our next three Psalms (43-45) and reflect on how they turn us towards our true hope on this Palm Sunday.
The proximity of Jesus is no replacement for following Jesus. Do we obey Jesus or are we just near Jesus? Maybe God is calling us to do more.
Pastor Gene’s son Jacob turns to Psalm 118 to help us think about what happened on the first Palm Sunday and how we are called to praise our God.
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. As we find ourselves in the middle of 2022, let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our fifth Online Prayer Walk all day on August 18! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
How do we empower more and more people to serve in the church? How do we do God’s work with trust? Pastor Tim looks at that in tonight’s journey in Philippians.
Join Pastor Tim as we turn to our next three Psalms (40-42) and reflect on how they turn us towards our true hope as we look forward to Easter.
How have we made the prevalence of technology in our world into an idol?
How are we choosing to use our lives? What will come from our days and months and years?